Hey all,
I've been fiddling with the admin functions again and thought I had better explain two features now in the mini profiles that come up with each post for each member.
You'll notice two headings:
It's pretty simple what each one is for. The Reputation one is basically there for when you think someone wrote an excelant post or a bad one. they need not know if you said either one, all you have to do is press the little + or - that appear on the other side of the actual post box. + for good, - for bad. Another reason you could say its bad is because you simply cannot answer the post. Feel free to use this as much as you want, its completely anonymous.
The points system how ever is accumilated in several ways. Different things get you a certain amount of points. Here is a run down on how much different things are worth:
For messages posted on your profile you get: 20 points
By adding freinds via your profile and having them accepted: 5 points
Every day since registering you also get: 5 points per day
every post message you get in all boards is worth: 10 points
every topic you make is worth: 15 points
What are these used for? Well you might have noticed that my character, Jenny Nightstorm is whats known as a gaurdian. To be able to make one of these, you need to amass 1000 points. Mind you this thousand points will be deducted from your total when you cash them in. They will go to a special account made just for this reason: Gaurdian Account. Simply PM Jenny Nightstorm and she will move the points across and send you a PM back when she has done so. once you get this email back, you may make a Gaurdian and start saving up to make another.
Or to make an Arch Angel you need to amass 2000 points as these guys are hell stronger than anything else here. Though for this one you must also be at least a Gaurdian in rank in your profile.
You may also PM Jenny Nightstorm to donate points to other members as well. This is always allowed, but once donated, you may not get those points back, unless the other person donates points to yu of their own choosing.
Hope this makes sense and feel free to ask questions you might have.